Thank you guys both for the words of encouragement. I tried to turn it and I couldn't do it but I used a simple ratchet not a break bar and I hadn't removed the spark plugs so it would have been hard to turn it anyway.
I think I will do what you guys say, I have bought almost everything electrical new now so I'm gonna try to get it running.
Yeah it's Sundays only right now, they might change the law soon to allow them every day.
But I had problems with FIVA (Federation International for Vehicles Ancient something something) The car is required to receive a certification from them to be able to get the historic plates and be allowed to be driven. The a-holes pissed me off, they told me the car needs to be fully restored to get the certification. This one is the only roadrunner in Greece and it might be the most original roadrunner in the entirety of Europe, even the glass is original and they give me problems when shitty toyota starlets run around with historic plates.
There are a couple of pans on the holes but I don't think they're supposed to be replacement floor pans and even if they were they're not big enough. I'm gonna order front floors for sure and thank you for letting me know about the cross member! I didn't even know they sell that part! But to fix that it needs complete disassembly anyway, sand blast and then fix it and fix the couple more points on the frame that need patching. I might just do that. Get it going. Drive it to a shop and let them only go up to sand blasting and fixing the frame. Then leave it mostly like that. I love those Firestone rear tires though they looks badass and they're ancient!
Thanks again for the words of encouragement!
Yes that woman is indeed in Greece haha I'll let her know if I ever see her, she's in a different city

I'll take a Beyonce up front though. The other one after the trade!