Well-Known Member
Mine is running, but not drivable. It needs 3 things. Exhaust, tires and K frame. I had originally planned to work on stripping the floor and frame, repair any rust and prime and paint, then move onto the body. I have changed course and am now working to get it drivable, then plan on working on a total restore next year beginning in the spring. I ripped the interior out because it was ripped and moldy. Found one small hole and serious pitting and metal loss on floor, so a new floor pan is on the menu. Probably by the time I get it done, gasoline will be illegal.Thanks! I'm positive it's the only one. There are a couple of chargers here and there. But no Roadrunners, not even pre-71 satellites.
Even sitting on the side of the road for the first couple of days it gathered a crowd! I was honestly expecting everyone to think it's just some old heap of scrap metal but its presence here between all the citroens and Nissan micras etc is really something else.
Have you got yours running? What are you planning to do with your floors and frame rails. Are you planning to rotisserie restore yours right away or fix it up and drive it for a while?