Hello everyone!

I am not very present on the forum since a few months, been around a few times but didn't post much. Sorry about that, so here I am now to let you know where the car is heading to.
We finally finished the alignment issues, everything is now fix properly at least as far as we are concerned, and we are happy with it. We've done a lot of different things since last time, mock up the front end, drill some little holes in the hood and hood hinge, so we can reassemble the car by limiting the chance to scratch the new paint. talking about paint, we are going to call the paint shop guy by the end of the week to get a date to bring the car to the paint shop. The car is ready for paint finally!!!!
Here comes the fun part!
Once we had done everything we wanted on the car, we started the little work of cleaning, refresh the pieces and different parts as :
- Front windows are done, we polished the trim, cleaned the glass and then wrapped them.
- Vent window are done too, the seal were in good shape, but when the previous owner did the paint on the car, it wasn't masked enough so a lot of paint went on it, so a lot of cleaning we had to do (Yoda style no? lol) and then polished the trim as well and wrapped them too.
- the door lock systems (rods etc) are totally cleaned and reassembled to see if everything work well and it does so perfect! We will grease everything when the car will be back from the paint shop and the doors back on the car.
- On the inner fender, like you all know, we have, I don't if you call it that way, trap visit just under the battery and one on the other inner fender, hope you will see what I mean lol, anyway, those steel plate we decided to make them in carbon fiber. We have carbon fiber, and didn't know what to do with, so we decided to do those parts because it is small and nobody will see it unless the hood is lift. So we didn't change the look of the car, it remains pretty original

It is just something cool to upgrade a little bit, at least we think so lol
- And we started to repair the dashboard! So we pull everything apart from it. Began to do some sanding on the ashtray and on the frame around the gauges.
- I also decided to put the mph counter to 0! It took about three days to put it back to 0 lol But the car will be new again, it is not a matching #'s car, and when we bought the car 4 years ago, it wasn't working so it is not a problem.
So last things to be done are:
- The dashboard need to be sand bare metal then need a new paint for it, what would you suggest for the paint? Flat or satin black or shiny black paint for the frame? I think we will paint it flat or satin what do you think about that?
- The drive train, rear axle needs to be open, the gear box needs to be open too, and finally the motor
Those are the last things to do before the car can run!
Everything else is done! We finally see the light at the end of the tunnel!
We also bought new parts from Yearone. The hardware for the rear drums, and the dash harness. Big buy but needed sadly. The dash harness we have is a real mess!! Some wire are taped on the harness without any welding! --' Those wires are connecting to bulbs added for extra gauges. So we decided to stop all of that! and decided to buy a new one!
That's it for today
Hope you guys are all fine and enjoying your birds! ;)