What date where those put out. Never even seen those before. I am an old bottle collector. I have part of a square coke bottle. Some old whiskey bottle's. Old cork stopper type also. My wife hates them.
I don't know there is not date on them .must have been a promotion so I will stop by the place and ask they are just up the street .
they were in this guys cellar for a long time . be fun to find out and who knows maybe they are worth good money but my luck NOT
The bottom of the bottle will have the date when the bottle was made. Also sometimes where it was produced. Now the date when it was filled should be on the label. If not then it was a one off production. Heck for the fun of it call the number on the bottle. Or if you call pickers or Email them they may have information.
....YO BITCHES....yep these are whats in my garage....tranny blown in roadrunner[no i didnt abuse it]...63 impala ss doing new floors...etc...etc....and sprung for a 2018 hellcat....6 speed stick with 960 miles on it....man she is fast but the roadrunner will kick its ass in the quarter
Hey George now that is a bad ass looking runner. Love the red paint job. Was going to paint mine red again because that is what it was original but between the Rust and the Red had to go with blue. Keep on trucking in that runner. Russ.
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