Could be, if some drastic change came down to the membership that was going to cost us a lot more out our pockets we would raise holy hell and reject it and make or leaders do something else that worked for us, small increases we can handle since it basically comes out of any raise from the employers.
So I would never let a plan that made me pay more than I could afford. But that's not what the new health care is supposed to be about, it's supposed to be about making affordable health care available to everyone via making insurance company's lower the cost of it and making employers participate in a plan that works, i.e. a plan that fits the size of their company. What I think is happening is as usual the big money is perverting this to makes sure they do not loose any profits and somehow making it seem like it's the plans fault.
Reject it blow it up shut down the gooberment I don't care, like I said my plan is solid as long as I work, what sucks is after I retire I have only a small period of coverage then I'm on my own.
Also on a note about that article, remember the repuublickin majority forced many changes to the original plan and forced the unpresident to re write it remember they stripped out many details they reflect what I stated above so now what you see is a plan that sucks for all! So yeah who wouldn't be against it now? Worst part of all of it now for all of us is the unpresident is a lame duck who at this point really doesn't give a f@#k