Just a quick update on the bird.
The car is still at the paint shop, can't wait to have it back!
During that time we did the assembly of the Magnum Force front end. I wasn't really happy by the screws that were delivered with the kframe. The grip length doesn't go all the way through the LCA bushing, thread length started almost half-way of the bushing didn't like that.
It was really hard to find new ones, the one we found were aeronautic type screws. Luckily my dad is working in overhauling maintenance for Boeing 777, and we finally ended up by doing custom made aircraft quality build screws. Now the grip length goes all the way through and it fits just right.
We even added a rod to biff up the rear of the K frame. Also had made cool transfer stickers that we put on the Kframe to finish it up.
Here are some pics :
The new screws, forgot to put the "Magnum force" screws next to them before installation. Also replaced the rubber bushing with urethane one that I bought during my trip in CA.
From the top :
- The first bolt is for the LCA, diameter reduction in the grip length is for the rear were the rod is attached. The diameter fits the inner diameter of the rod eye.
- The second one is for the rack and pinion bushing
- The third one with button head is for the LCA and we made it button head so the boot from the rack and pinion can "slide" on it without getting torn apart.
- The fourth one is for the upper coil over attached point.
- The fifth one is for the lower coil over attached point.
The fourth is longer than the fifth because on the upper we have the billet aluminum adapter that is fixed on the shock tower. The screw goes through the billet aluminum and the shock that is why the grip and overall lengths are different.
Was not that easy to explain hope it is clear, if you have any question please ask if I wrote something that is not English lol
and yes those screws are only for one side.