Called Comp cams and the guy I talked to recommended a 21-306-4. He did not seem very enthusiastic.
Called Jegs and he actually seemed more knowledgeable and more willing to help. He recommended the Comp 21-223-4. Said it was just slightly milder than the 306-4 , but still had that muscle car lopey idle. $15 cheaper than Comp with free shipping.
Here's the spec's.
Got the front of the motor cleaned off to the timing chain, but snapped a WP housing bolt

and it's been giving me a hard time all afternoon. There is about a 1/2" stub sticking out so I though Oh Boy, I really got lucky, something to get a pipe wrench on. No such luck. It will not give. Tried slipping a nut on it (3 times) and welding the nut to the stub (both gas & MIG). No luck so far. Gave up for today and will have at it again tomorrow, but this is really wasting my time, not to mention pissing me off.
Oh, one other thing. I wanted to set it up for re-installation. Pulled #1 plug and turned the crank til I felt compression with my finger over the hole. Knew I was on compression stroke and stopped when the timing mark was at 0 degrees on the crank pulley scale. Rotor was pointing at #1 plug tower and both rockers appeared to be up (valves closed). All set, TDC on compression stroke, right? Well, maybe not. The timing mark on the crank sprocket is at 12:00, as it should be, BUT the mark on the cam sprocket is also at 12:00 instead of 6:00.
Is it possible that the Bozo's that put the cam in installed the sprocket 180 degrees out? Is that even possible, or could I not have the motor at TDC compression?
Thought and suggestions welcome.
I have not pulled the distributor yet and the timing chain is still on.