Jack R

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  • Sorry to hear about work .. my wife is a nurse and I work at Safeway it’s been crazy two months .... 19336 rockridge way Sonora ca 95370
    Jack R
    Jack R
    Sam, how about 30.00 total. I'll get the hub shipped today if you can Paypal me at jjr526@aol.com
    Hi just checking to see if you found out about shipping on the front hub thanks Sam
    Jack R
    Jack R
    I apologize. This week was rough I work in aerospace industry been furloughed off and on for weeks. Worked all this week long days. Give me an address. I actually have the hub in a box in my car. I’ll get shipping to you by Monday
    Jack. I have tickets to the Blue man group at Gammage Saturday evening and Good guy won't release the field early enough for me to get home and ready for the show.
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