I’m close to getting back at roadrunner assembly. One of the things I need to do is weld the gas tank strap holders to the new floor. Forgot to get those when the metal work was all done. The portable that seems to have good reviews is this one.
Anyone use one of these yet...
I got burned (total scam) on a steering wheel a while back. Going forward only buying parts if I can pick them up in person. Have to drive a while or get someone I know in that city to pick them up but too many scammers out there.
And I keep getting texts from the Philippines and yesterday...
Stainless can be welded but special weld process that I don’t remember exactly. If there is an aerospace weld shop around you they could do that as that’s a primary weld type for them.
I’ve been looking for a nice wheel like that. I got a real bad wheel “restored” but it’s not exactly like the original. Too thin and no metal strip on the outside. It’ll have to do until I find one.
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