Recent content by Ernie

  1. Ernie

    From a concerned long time member.

    I agree have stopped replying because the misinformers chime in and lures them away from the needed solution to their pie in the sky. much worse on FBBO site
  2. Ernie

    Sender leaking

    Hunting here for the answer you want? Jack up put stands on frame before leaf spring the diff will come down enough to get sender out. Ramps the worst idea don’t be afraid only had one car fall on me in 56yrs
  3. Ernie

    jack stand placing

    No need to lower diff. can do in place. Leak you may fox but gauge to be accurate search site you’ll get the picture.
  4. Ernie

    Fuse block. What amp fuse's

    Does this help?
  5. Ernie

    Joe Biden... coming for your guns

    We Are Coming!
  6. Ernie

    70 RR jack points other than the bumper?

    Save the $$$ it will set in trunk. Good floor jack Join AAA Take the family for pizza and still have $ left over
  7. Ernie

    Trunk lock

    Or keep posting on various sites till you get the answer you want
  8. Ernie

    WANTED 383

    Got a 383RB lying around tried of tripping over? Well here is your chance. Stock preferred
  9. Ernie

    Trunk wiring.

    Yep does seem odd but that is how they ran the little blue wire
  10. Ernie

    Package tray board.

    Sad to see that I know how long and hard you have worked on this car. Don’t get down you will prevail but what happened could lead a man to drink. One day you’ll be buzzing down A1A beep beeping the girls.
  11. Ernie

    Package tray board.

    Hey got mine from Legendary and it fit here is pic of oem install it is @1/8 past frame so maybe 1/4 not so bad as stated seat comes back over it
  12. Ernie


    Still not answering question. But a revolver does make a good hammer.
  13. Ernie


    Nice you did not answer question.
  14. Ernie

    New member from bucks co PA

    Welcome 69 Bird too from Florida