Today I had to finish getting the car and rear assembly level, so another jig was needed. But, I didn't get to it until 3:00 because of high school orientations

. Crazy schools take as much summer as possible away. I am a sophomore now. Anyways, I used the bumper bracket bolt holes to mount a jig to the back of the rear assembly allowing me to level it to the car. The front of the rear assemble just rests in place on top of the rocker panels.
After finishing leveling everything out, I just could not resist mocking everything up. Damn it looks good (the car I mean).

When test fitting them, it was found that there were issues with the tail panel. When putting the taillight buckets in, the driver's side would not fit. That is when I was thinking "Oh F*%$. What is wrong?" I was worried the quarter panel was made incorrect, which was made by golden star (were really cheap!), not amd (too expensive for me). It turned out though that the source of this cataclysmic failure, was the AMD tail panel! It was the only AMD part I bought in the first place because golden star didn't make it, and it just so happens that it is the one that was ridiculously off. On the side that fit correctly, the overall height measured 5 5/8 in, and on the faulty side, it measured 6 in. This meant I had to cut a whole 3/8 off one side to get everything to fit. And there were other flaws too on the panel like all the center lines not lining up on center! There are three distinct center lines on the tail panel. One at the rolled over edge at the top, one on the body line that runs across, and one that is an indent in a body line where the license plate light wire would run down to the bumper. None of those line up. Might have to try and fix them with bondo to line them all up. Other than the tail panel, everything lines up really well around the wheel wheels and in the back corners.