Active Member
Hello to all! I've seen this issue a few times on my RR. Not often but it does happen. I can go crank the car with no issues and drive around and come home and park the car. The next time I go out to crank her no sound is made when I turn the key. The power comes on and the gauges start working but the car will not crank. I usually wait several minutes and try again and it cranks right up. It seems now it's winter and I just drove the car around for several hours last week. I tried to crank her two days ago and no luck. I'm on day 3 and still no luck. I've had a few people say it might be a ground issue. Any one have any pointers on where to start or look to see what the issue could be? I'm hoping once it get's warmer it may crank. That just might be my own hope and dreams