mine sort came off of e bay. the fire dept wasn't even here the morning of the fire, and my youngest daughter got on ebay looking for another
road runner. I did have to tell here not to bother with ads that said "Hemi"
or "Superbird". After a solid month of living on the comp looking, and scouring auto traders, I was sick of looking. I had looked at mine, but the seller had pics of the car with red velour seats,which with the yellow paint looked like......crap. I e mailed the seller a question about the car, then forgot about it. a couple weeks later I got an email from the seller saying the high bidder had backed out, and would i be interested. He sent along a bunch of pics, including ones of the completly new interior he had just put in. I was hoping for a Green car, drivable, as complete as possibe, and a 4 speed. This one was an original F8,has the 4 speed, and was driveable, so we loaded up the truck and went to Michigan.