It's Harry's Moldovian Road Runner... 

B Body, B stands for BIG. LolWhat kind of car is that?
I know the feeling of long hours in the garage. You were lucky the car did not need everything. You got a wonderful looking bird. Have fun and enjoy it. Like most project's I drag home my wife said are you sure that should not have gone to the junk yard. Like most of my projects they are as good as new.Lucky it didn't need alot of body work! Alot of long days in the garage and a understanding Wife! Lol I work 12 hr shifts at FORD (I know Ironic) so that's why I was hardly posting anything on here between work,car,and life I was pretty busy!
Thanks, Ronliv. Appreciate the thought. Was looking for here it comes a 69 charger. But with the prices of parts and all think I am going to wait. They are hard to find just like the runners. Maybe in the next year or so just might find one that I can afford. Will be looking at how much work it needs and all that. Because now I know not to get buyers excitement and think at what all the car may need. That is the lesson I paid for and know it. LOL. Have a good one and enjoy the Vert it is a very nice car.Russell
Now that you'll all done, it's time to start another one. I mean with what you've learned in the process the next one should be a breeze!
I drove the car into my trailer so it moves. It needs some paint issues fixed so back to paint jail.Love the plates on the AMX Bob. I was going to ask how the Charger was coming along. Looks like there's still a lot to do on it.