They were installed in a lot of Kitchens. I wired the hood shutdowns and gas shut off relays. It suck's the Oxygen out of the air. I would hate to be trapped in one of those room's where shutters rolled down and doors close automatic. The room became a death trap. Electrical wires shorted will continue to melt until the source is gone or the circuit become open, and no more contact is there. This is the sad fact about electrical wiring fires. Had a 1200-amp Electrical panel melt down in front of one coworker and myself. There was a big blue ball of fire in the air while many brakers were blowing out before I got the main braker to shunt trip. Would not suggest any type of extinguisher to be used in this case. Best thing is to cut the source of power. That was A/C current, but DC has no sign wave like A/C. But don't be fooled they both do a lot of damage with shorts. Think if you have new electrical wiring and all the components gone through on your dash cluster then you should never have a problem. My car is over 50 years old and no signs of wire damage when pulling out the old wiring. Yes, It was dry and brittle so replaced all of it in the car. As well a new bulkhead connector. Guys have been known to splice other power drawing devices into a circuit and overload the feed wire they are tapping into. Not a good Idea. Always use a separate fused wire to supply add on devices. Ok Just my two cents on power and sources. Have fun and be safe out there.