I also want to say, build the car how you want to . Drive it the way you want and enjoy it. People who own a mopar muscle car is a rare breed, if they want to clone it, go for it and enjoy.
If you are talking about the prestolite and the idle stop solenoid and 070 fan clutch and all of the other hard to find A12 parts - well I think that is really unfortunate for the guys with the real A12s that need them. Slap the aftermarket 6-barrel set-up and the glass hood on it and call it good enough. It's not an A12 and it never will be; what's the sense in preventing the guys with the real McCoys from putting them back together?My car will have all the correct parts that was on a original A12.
Not even close. It is either real or it isn't, no matter how many of the A12 parts you throw at it. The guy with the real A12 that is trying to chase down those same parts is not trying to recreate something that did not exist; rather he is trying to return a rare piece of musclecar history back to it's former glory.But if you have a guy that is restoring an original a12 and most of the drive train and other parts are gone then he has to go find parts to make it back to A12. That is the same as someone that is cloning a car.
Go for it... Like others said, don't try to pass it off as something it's not... no harm/no foul, building any type clone/tribute !! I said it once & I'll say again & probably keep repeating it over time, "build it how ever you want it {use what ever parts you can find or afford}, drive it like you stole it & damn the rest", who cares what someone else thinks, if it makes you happy, that's a good thing, your putting another great car back on the road.... have fun, that's what's important, all the rest is just :loco: BS