i know i dont have pics (lost my new sony camera) :brickwall: recently cut both quarter panels off the roadrunner, am assessing the rust at the wheelhouses and planning for new quarters and likely outer passenger wheelhouse soon
I have the same problem, they spray painted the blue with black spray paint of some type and did a half ass job, part blue part black, so is the magic eraser working, actually taking off the paint. Anyone else have ideas how to remove the black?
been offline a long time.. Breakups, moves, life etc etc... Hoping to get back to this car again. Its been sitting for a long while with not an ounce of progress. New town much smaller, I have a nice shop out back but it currently has a John Deere tractor in it. As soon as it is gone in comes the Blue bird. I will try to be a presence again when things get interesting..
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