If you go on sites like cars-on-line and other similar sites, there are a lot of 68-70 Road Runners for sale. I am always amazed at the number of convertibles still out there. Most say they have received a full (down to the bare metal) restoration, but most don't have any supporting photo proof of such a restoration, so buyer be ware… there is a lot of junk out there... one of the reasons my six month project ended up taking five (+) years. Under, what looked like a show quality paint job, turned out to be four different colors over rusted out, Bondo filled sheet metal. My Road Runner is finally a true "actual" down to bare metal restoration, but it took over five years and was very costly... end product looks amazing. My advice, for what its worth, don't even consider anything without photo proof and then have it professionally inspected and documented... unless you already plan to go with a full restoration yourself and plan to drop from serious coin