For what it is worth...........mine is at approx 2,100 @ 60 MPH. Of course, I put 2:76 gears. If I recall, the 3:90 gears would give you your reading. Not much different than having the four speed manual. Hence, I made a highway cruiser by changing the ring/pinion to the highest possible. GOOD luck finding a pair of 2:76 gears.
I have the granny 2.76 gears in mine glad I do cause gas cost to much as it is let alone I had a 3.90 in it or bigger it might have been ok when gas was a quarter
Well put a gear vendor in it. Or better yet get the five speed from passion's. Got remember back then people worked for 50 cent an hour. Use to go out on the week end Friday night and Saturday on about 10 buck's.
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