Thanks Jason!! :banana: :banana: :banana:
I might be back on track!
Burt, I mean Bob.
Whose gonna trailer it out that way? Car wasn't meant to be in a trailer so I'll send it out on an open trailer. That way it can catch some of those Nebraska corn fed bugs!
When it gets there fire it up head west and pick up Dom or his he the doctor, I mean Chris. Take it to Dana Point and get a picture of it near the beach. Clean it first please and remember to set the brake. That blue water green car combo will surely cause some race cards to be played.
Just get it back here by next spring so I can enjoy it. I'll be Dom.
Ebay has the dvd movie new for $5.99.
You never know I might not be kidding!
I'm getting the take something to the car show itch. The Cobra Terminator was cleaned up. I took it to the local cruise. The guy tried to waive me in. I almost broke code but told the him it ain't a classic yet. He said, "there's a bunch of newer vettes near the back and Goodguys just opened up to 1982." I told him that's what I mean.
I parked it and walked in thinking my son will have to take me in it in twenty years. I'll be too darn old to drive it the right way then. Tame now but want to see the 11's.
Jason your avitar rocks! Reeks of another expensive divorce though! Plus how would you drive those? Probably like a ten second quarter. Exciting but over before you know it! :crazy: