Operation: Road Runner


Well-Known Member
Dec 28, 2008
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Orlando, FL
Sure Grip was not standard equipment - it was optional. Open rear end was standard equipment. 3.23 gears were standard, however.


Well-Known Member
Jul 16, 2009
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Sure Grip was not standard equipment - it was optional. Open rear end was standard equipment. 3.23 gears were standard, however.

agree Sure-Grip was not standard even with a ('68 at least) Hemi with a 3.23. DAMHIK. Not to high-jack but back in '69 a friend bought a bare-bones '68 RM21 column auto, rubber floor mat, blue with blue interior Hemi. No radio, no nothing, I mean NOTHING. He was a big time street racer and anyway he was going to tweak my distributor on my '69 383 road runner and I needed to get back home for something so he flips me the keys to his Hemi road runner. The thing didn't really feel like my 3.91 geared rr because of the 3.23 stock rear but the biggest surprise was when I left home my brothers and sisters were all "let's hear it, let's see some tire", so I light it up and when I looked in the rear view mirror I was shocked.........ONLY ONE RIGHT REAR TIRE MARK!! for about a block or until I had to lift. Found out Sure-Grip was an option even with a Hemi? So fast forward to a few years ago and a current friend gets a '68 Hemi road runner (Silver with a blue interior) and we're talking about it and Rick J the owner says to me "you wouldn't believe what this 3.23 geared Hemi DOESN'T have", before he could get the next words out I said "It doesn't have Sure-Grip". He said "how the h#ll did you know that, I had to ask Galen about it". Told him the story about my '68 Hemi ride and the single tire mark back in '69 LOL.
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Well-Known Member
Jun 10, 2014
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Palmyra, WI
Hmmm, There doesn't seem to be a fender tag code for 'just' a sure grip. There are Track Pack, Super Track Pack options that were advertised with the sure grip. But there have been documented cars with sure grips without these packages. Makes me wonder how they determined which cars got sure grips if they were not part of a full "Performance Axle Package". Without the broadcast sheet it is hard to tell for sure, but I'm certain my 3.23 Sure grip came in this car originally as the original Chrysler brake drum washers (the thin little push washers that slide over the wheel studs that held the drums on) were still intact on both drums. I'm pretty sure the brake drums had never been off the car I got.


Well-Known Member
Jul 16, 2009
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Mike don't know if D91 code is what you're looking for? http://www.mymopar.com/6971opcodes.htm

With a little more research I found an axle option listing for '69 for 3.23 with no charge Sure-Grip under code D53

Ply Car nd Equip page 3A D53.jpg

Ply Car nd Equip page 3A D53.jpg
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