Awsome cars and pics -
all of them.
A few random comments - I'm doing this from memory so please don't feel left out if I don't mention your pics...
Bob - The Other Woman always takes my breath away: 426 deep breathing air pump, three pedals, and stunning B5. Not much else to say. BTW, I recognize that car thief. She must be part of a well organized gang. She has taken a bunch of my sh*t too... :basketcase:
Harry - The guys are right - the red interior in your car makes it pop. You could get it painted if you weren't so busy building your A-Body collection...
Marty - Your car just has the right stance. Probably one of the meanest looking RRs I've seen that hasn't been mini-tubbed or back-halved. The interior/exterior combo just rocks too. :yesnod:
Stuie - nice pic of you and Dennis Gage - love your hair - where did you get that pic I wonder???
Johnny McMoPar - your car makes me want to go out and buy Magnums.
I'm calling Craig "Mr. Clean" from now on...

For anyone that didn't make Carlisle, it's that clean in person too...
Dave - Put Steve's F5 beauty back in its garage. But we will let you keep the wheels for your car...
Steve - you carry our banner proudly on the other side of the pond. :cheers:
Still trying to figure out the Mothership/Oregon connection... Oh well, Go Oregon!!!
Uncle George - Lil ole 572-incher and a GV OD - JACKPOT!!!
Mac's got the Bonze A12 thing pretty much nailed... :yesnod:
For all us with projects & drivers - they're setting the bar pretty high, aren't they?
Thanks for sharing, guys!