Some of you may have seen this photo on some other site taken back in the summer of 1969 of my ’69 road runner that I sat down and ordered new at my hometown Plymouth dealer in Western PA back in the early spring of 1969.
Couldn’t convince the co-signers (parents) to go for the Hemi or the A12 so I had to leave the standard 383 in a hardtop with 3.91 Suregrip, Torqueflite, buckets, console, black interior with a non-vinyl roof F5 GREEN exterior, A01 light package, hood stripes, air grabber (red grilles of course), power steering. By this time I put on a set of Hooker Headers, a CDI box (funny new tech at that time) and a “cool-can” for the fuel lines as I kept having this terrible bog on hot days at the drag strip. I also worked part time at a friend’s car stereo shop and he talked me into putting the 8-Track player into the glove box not just to keep it from being ripped off but to minimize the damage to the car as they broke in to rip it off. I could always get another but what a pain to find your car damaged for a crap 8-Track. If you put it under the dash you were better off leaving the doors unlocked to avoid the damage. :livid:
(anyone in the Pittsburgh area if you ever see or know if this road runner is still around I’ll pay a nice finder’s fee for sure)