I don't think I will every get use to it dealing with people like you. And by the way you are the only one I have come across! I just hope you take a good look at your attitude, it sucks. And in the future if anybody has a problem with my threads just tell me politely and and I will correct error of my ways. If not oh well.....................
He was just trying to get you to stop replying to years old threads like they were posted yesterday. If the OP hasn't come back here in 5 years or his problem is not resolved by now then there is no helping them in the first place...rendering your (or anyone else's) commentary pointless.
Old threads serve a purpose. They are great resources for information; "how do you do this?" or "I wonder if anyone else has ever had this problem?". As for fodder for topics of current conversation, or answering a question that was posed a half a decade ago, NOT SO MUCH.
And oh BTW - Basketcase is salt of the earth. You could not be more wrong about him if you tried. He just doesn't suffer fools readily. He does have some issues differentiating good colors from bad, but that is another topic for another day...