I really struggle with those FB automotive groups. So many idiots posting so much mindless BS. Give somebody a monitor and a keyboard and they know everything about everything. FB of course recognizes that I am into cars and specifically the old MoPars so my daily feed features almost all of those MoPar pages and even some pages for makes that I have never even owned just because they have 4 wheels and an ICE. Most of the time I just ignore the complete lack of knowledge or galactic stupidity, but sometimes it is hard. Couple of weeks ago some a$$hat was on one of those MoPar or RR pages waxing the halls nostalgic and was complaining about having to frequently replace the carrier bearing in the two-piece driveshaft of his RR back in the day. Yeah, I called "BULLSHIT!!!" on that one. Unless you make that group invitation only you will always have to deal with the morons that proclaim "My favorite year of RR is the '66" or "Wish I still had my '73 RR with the Hemi, swivel buckets, and factory A/C". And don't even get me started on the AI crap that now gets posted on there everyday...