

Jan 3, 2021
Reaction score
Any thoughts on paint for Rally mirrors? I’m thinking any old black will do. But open to suggestions


Nov 20, 2021
Reaction score
Yakima, WA
I have a set of 71 Cuda rally mirrors I'm planning on using on my 69 RR I'm rebuilding. They're both cable remotes with the long cable on the right side one so it reaches close to the steering wheel. I'm repainting the car, so I'll paint the mirrors at the same time. Just being a little different. Currently it's on hold as 3 years ago, my sweet wife was diagnosed with stage 4 ovarian cancer, and I've been her caregiver. Then last June, I was ran off the road by a woman who thought she owned the road and in trying not to flip over, I had to yank my steering wheel back, which caused excessive force on my total reverse shoulder replacement appliance, and it became badly infected and made it unusable. Due to someone improperly inputting my information incorrectly at the University of Washington Medical Center, I wasn't seen until January 11th and on the way back from Seattle, an errant driver changed lanes only inches in front of me while the fast lane which we were in, was doing 45 mph, or more and their lane was doing about 15-20 mph in a snowstorm and it totaled our vehicle. The snow was lightening up and I guess they were tired of being in the slow lane but the entire of the back of their vehicle was covered in heavy snow. I had surgery on 1/23 and I've been on daily IV infusions of the strongest antibiotic they have for the past six weeks, and my arm bone is solidly cemented to my shoulder bone. I have to wait for 3 weeks, then get tested. If the infection is gone, then they will schedule my replacement surgery, if it's not, then it's six more weeks of antibiotics.

I've built up a nice 440 for it which the speed - machine ship said should be producing between 500 to 550 HP. I can't wait to get that thing in there and fire it up.

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