So . Finally got all the gremlins out of my car.
During winter changed alot of things and run into some issues.
Changed exhaust to 3"TTI . No problem.
Changed to Indy Modman intake. No Problem.
Changed to electronic waterpump.Mucho problems. Solutions : put old crankdrive back ( clearance between impeller and housing not upto suppliers specs.
Changed to electronic fuelpump(holley red) . Big problems with pressure loss.
After checking everything from inside tank , volts , grounds , filters , heat from exhaust to pump but could not find cause.
Untill I was told that fuelfilled gauges will give false reading is they get hotter(20fahrenheit).
Put ice on gauge when pump was on and pressure on gauge was 0 . And !! after 2 minutes cooling it went back to 7.5psi .
O. yes . Now have a extra redpump wich will collect dust on shelf.
3,5 weeks to go and then I will make a roadtrip from Rotterdam to Hemiswil(Switserlands) , is 1900km round trip.
Sure hope they solve the issue in Lybia before that.