Don't wait! Go drive it!
Welcome from sunny Socal.
Before I actually ever started putting the pile of 69 Runner parts I had bought together, I sat in my car with an adult beverage many times making VROOM! VROOM! sounds dreaming of driving it.
I am sure my neighbors thought I was crazy. (and they were probably right!)
One day I decided that since a full resto was never coming all at once; I just put the parts together that I had and made the danged thing run.
Even though many of the parts were well worn and tired the car screamed and was a blast to drive.
Like it was said above, these things look good even in primer.
After a few years of constant improving all of the various parts; the time finally came to take it all apart and get it painted the "right" way.
Then once it came back from being painted, (thats a whole other story and adventure) all of my parts were ready to go and tested because the car ran before I took it apart.
This method isn't for everyone but it let me get my fun in while I saved money for the big bodywork adventure.
So my advice; for what it is worth:
Dont wait. Go and drive it! And know that good ole' Dad will be right by your side in spirit when you are out abusing the rear tires.