Joe Biden... coming for your guns


Well-Known Member
Aug 4, 2016
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Lake Wales Fl.
It is not only Biden. The state legislator's are passing a lot of the gun law's in Florida. Once they get our gun's we have had it. We are already at their mercy. Why did our fore fathers give us the right to bear arm's if these guy's are going to take them away. So that they could not but the thing is no one will come together to fight against them. I said that when getting home out of the service the will haul us away and our neighbors wont do a thing. Might interfere with the ball game. Or don't get involved they are scared of standing up not like the people that wrote the constitution. We will be like the poll's in first war all they had where rakes and pitch fork's. The fact is the Japanese would not attack America because they knew every one had a weapon. It is world order taking over our freedom's. If they pass a law they will come to your house with a search warrant and take them if you try to stop them then your in trouble for resisting and will go to jail. It is not to late. But we need to start a movement to get people on line to fight them. All the NRA want's is money and who know where they spend it. :usflag:


Well-Known Member
Sep 13, 2015
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Birmingham, AL
I’m not so sure it’ll go that easily. Biden ‘coming for them’ may go over up North, but South of the Mason-Dixon is a different mindset. I hope Biden and the rest realize that most Red State supporters collect guns and stockpile ammo as a hobby and I don’t think it’s going to be a ‘roll over and take it’ situation where the masses just hand over their guns. They’re liable to start another civil war.

If they issued any type of search warrant, I firmly believe my local police chief would merely go through the motions on enforcement by showing up, reading some script, asking if you have any weapons, and when you say no, turn around to leave and mumble under his breath that this is some horse-shit and can’t believe he’s having to do this.

I saw on the news last night where Biden got into it with a factory worker over guns and had a few unprofessional words for the factory worker, especially for someone trying to make a run for Trump’s job.


Well-Known Member
Aug 30, 2013
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It’s not going to be Bieden cause he can’t tell his wife from his sister


Well-Known Member
Jun 27, 2018
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Hate to pop your bubbles, but Biden is going to take Trump to the cleaners in November. Bernie needs to get out of the way or get on board. Trump just this week took a huge noise dive with his take on the latest healthcare crisis (just clueless)!!! By the way, Biden is a "car guy" and is also an avid hunter with a decent collection of guns... and I'll bit most of you did not know that!! Google Jay Leno's Garage and Biden and enjoy the show. He's not a Mopar guy, but still a car guy, and that makes him ok in my camp. Find another politician that has an old 60's collector car, that is routinely driven, and can talk the talk... just saying!


Well-Known Member
Aug 4, 2016
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Lake Wales Fl.
Just think back when O Bama and Biden where in office. 8 year's of Koss. NO leader ship just selling us out. They flooded this country with people form the middle east. Biden is a joke and communist puppet. Nancy Pelosi and here buddy's will be running our county into the ground. Don't buy in to the what they are selling. You wont have the money to pay to drive our muscle car's. They will tax us for every mile we drive and stop fracking making gas prices sore out of sight. Sorry you believe what you want But Trump is on his way back in for another 4 year's and God bless America and Keep It Grate.


Well-Known Member
Aug 4, 2016
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Lake Wales Fl.
10/4 Plybeep68. Its like this. The swine flu was going to kill us all. The bird flu was also going to kill us all. Ebola was going to kill us all. So wash your hands and Pray.


Sponge Bob Square Wheels
Sep 10, 2008
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AZ Desert,
Hate to pop your bubbles, but Biden is going to take Trump to the cleaners in November. Bernie needs to get out of the way or get on board. Trump just this week took a huge noise dive with his take on the latest healthcare crisis (just clueless)!!! By the way, Biden is a "car guy" and is also an avid hunter with a decent collection of guns... and I'll bit most of you did not know that!! Google Jay Leno's Garage and Biden and enjoy the show. He's not a Mopar guy, but still a car guy, and that makes him ok in my camp. Find another politician that has an old 60's collector car, that is routinely driven, and can talk the talk... just saying!
I use to be a Democrat but the party keeps moving left and left me behind. Trump shut down China travel a month before any other country and the Democrats bitched about him being racist. Besides Biden is running for senate in his mind, he said it I didn't. I will say democrats have more sex, ever hear about anyone getting a good piece of elephant.


Well-Known Member
Jun 27, 2018
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Well... I knew I'd be opening up the floodgates with my comments. Just wanted to let everybody know that Biden is also a car guy and an avid hunter with a nice collection of hunting gear. Besides being a loyal Mopurist, I am also a 75 year old Vietnam Veteran (two back-to-back tours) and have several conditions directly related to Agent Orange. My family all came from the South and I had my first NRA membership and deer hunting license when I was eleven. Many of my car buddies are Trumpers and we'll often engage in construction and even enjoyable conversations. We are car guys first and foremost!!!


Acceleratii Incredibus
Jul 17, 2017
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Thank you for your service jww,, I have a close friend that did a couple of tours over in Vietnam also, hes a fellow mopar guy, were building his 67 Dart,, he has alot of health issues related to his service years, I cant even talk him into voting, he's almost anti government


Well-Known Member
Jun 27, 2018
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Hear ya loud and clear Plybeep68. Got my first 69 Road Runner back in 1969... it too was an Ivy Green post car. Drove it to work Monday through Friday and took it to the local dragstrip on the weekends. At the time, I was dealing with many of the issues a lot of us were going through post-Vietnam. We were pretty messed up, but didn't know we were. I recall my welcome home to be a young girl tossing a cup of hot coffee on my face in the airport in Oakland and calling me a F____ baby killer... how things have changed!! That first Road Runner was not only a great car to own and drive, but also great therapy. I took a lot of my emotions out on the dragstrip!! Today I am enjoying having another 69 Ivy Green post Road Runner. It's my daily driver; my therapy, and my hobby. Sometimes I just go out in the garage and look at it... and often a flood of old memories come back to the days of my first Road Runner. Please pardon my brief comments about, what may appear to be politically directed.. quite the contrary, I don't get too involved with such things... at this stage of my life, I spend about 50% of my time at either the VA or private medical providers and the other half hanging out with my wife and car buddies. We actually very rarely ever talk about politics... try to basically stick to everything car-related. All my friends gave me a really hard time when I sold my very cool 33 Tudor with flames. But now they agree the Road Runner is equally as cool... and they all know my love of everything MOPAR. You take car Plybeep68 and again thank you for responding to my last post.


Well-Known Member
Aug 4, 2016
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Lake Wales Fl.
Yes jww69rrpost. We fought to stop communistic oppression from spreading over their. If politics had not gotten in the way we would have won the war. We all suffered problem's from what we saw and what we had to do. On a daily basis. I was a Democrat till Carter was elected then I had enough. Glad you are still with us many of the guy's I served with have died from one kind of cancer or another. Some have just drank their selves to death or hooked on drug's. Have a good one and politics aside keep that Runner Running. Russ. :usflag:


Oct 4, 2009
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They said the same about Obama. How many guns did he take away in the eight years he was in office?


Well-Known Member
Mar 26, 2020
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what did the Democratic party do in New Zealand,, Turn your weapon in.....
No way it could happen in our great country,,, too many people with arms all around,, Marshal Law...
====A REVOLUTION.......


Active Member
Feb 9, 2017
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Hurricane, UT
It's amazing how little people really know about Biden and his family because of the media cover up. Here's a some actual facts you'll never see on cnn:
Biden’s son, Hunter Biden, was kicked out of the Navy for failing a cocaine drug test.! out-navy-cocaine-n227811 Then he divorced his wife, mother of his three daughters, after a year long affair, to marry his brother’s widow. WHO DOES THAT?

Over the course of the divorce, Hunter drained hundreds of thousands of dollars from the couple's assets by "spending” extravagantly on his own interests (including drugs, alcohol, prostitutes, strip clubs and gifts for women with whom he has sexual relations), while leaving the family with no funds to pay legitimate bills. It actually was worse than that, all outlined here:! /story/news/2017/03/02/kathleen-biden-files-divorce-hunter/98638454/

And this is all on top of the BILLIONS his father dubiously arranged for him from communist China and Ukraine.! the-shady-private-equity-firm-run-by-kerry-and-bidens-kids/

In 2017, Joe Biden’s niece, Caroline Biden, stole $100,000 through a credit card scam, aka, GRAND LARCENY, was able to cut a deal with NY prosecutors and got off Scott free without jail time or probation. This was her second arrest. She was able to deal her way out of that one too. She has also been to rehab numerous times.
Biden’s daughter with Jill Ashley Biden Krein, has been arrested several times for drug charges. While he was Veep, she was videoed snorting cocaine but the news media decided to not to publish the video. She hid out in the Veep Delaware home for a week or so until things calmed down and made sure the DNC controlled media didn’t report on the story.
New documents have revealed a massive lobbying effort at the Obama-era State Department by Ukrainian energy company Burisma. The newly released State Department documents show Joe Biden pressured the Ukrainian government to fire its top prosecutor back in 2016, which is about a month after Burisma reached out to the agency.

The company employed Biden’s son Hunter and was under an investigation by prosecutor Viktor Shokin at the time. Ukraine suspected Burisma executives of money laundering and corruption. Emails show Burisma lobbyists requesting meeting in early 2016 with Obama administration to discuss corruption investigation involving Hunter Biden

“The whistleblower ERIC CIARAMELLA, actually, is a material witness completely separate from being the whistleblower because he worked for Joe Biden. He worked for Joe Biden at the same time Hunter Biden was receiving $50,000 a month. So, the investigation into the corruption of Hunter Biden involves this whistleblower because he was there at the time. Did he bring up the conflict of interest? Was there discussion of this? What was his involvement with the relationship between Joe Biden and the prosecutors?”

Meanwhile, Ukrainian officials have said the only reason Biden sat on Burisma’s board was to “protect” the company from scrutiny.

It’s time for: Joe Biden and John Kerry to come clean about the full nature of the access Hunter was able to secure for Burisma AND House Democrats must release all of the transcripts from their closed-door depositions immediately.