#'s Matching '68 Bird
I decided to pull the instrument cluster to look into erratic speedo problems. Despite the cable being unhooked, the gauge did not go to 0. I took an allen key and turned speedo manually. I found that the needle would go below zero and above the max. Digging further i noted the needle was dragging on the plastic face, also. Fast forward to removed plastic face and found what is pictured below.
What risks do I take continuing to tear down the instrument cluster? Having never torn one down, I fear that I will open something and it will unwind like an old cartoon clock with springs and gears going everywhere. Am I safe to continue? Yes, this may be subjective to ones mechanical and electrical abilities. The way I see it, you'd have to have a screw loose or be filthy rich to buy one of these classics, and not have any wrench skills. IMHO

Please share your experience and advice. Thanks
What risks do I take continuing to tear down the instrument cluster? Having never torn one down, I fear that I will open something and it will unwind like an old cartoon clock with springs and gears going everywhere. Am I safe to continue? Yes, this may be subjective to ones mechanical and electrical abilities. The way I see it, you'd have to have a screw loose or be filthy rich to buy one of these classics, and not have any wrench skills. IMHO

Please share your experience and advice. Thanks