Greet and meet show.


Well-Known Member
Aug 4, 2016
Reaction score
Lake Wales Fl.
This past Saturday was at the autism group get together. Wanted people to bring their cars and just hang out. We all had a good time. Just before leaving a man drove up and started looking over my car then the story started when he had a runner. He said that had been looking for another runner to buy. Then the question came how much I would sell the car for. I said it is not for sale. But he insisted what would I take. Just to answer him said it just is not for sale at any price. So, he asked where to get one if I knew. Told him I had looked everywhere online. While asking all over my community a guy told me he knew of a person who had one for sale. That is how I found mine. Really a nice guy and so we parted ways. How many of you get the same thing when out with your car. :beep:

Rapid Transit

Just A Traveler In Time
Feb 9, 2015
Reaction score
First, it's flattering that someone thought enough to carry on like that.
In my drivers, many people that ask probably don't really even know what the car really is.

Maybe a general idea, but that's it.
"You want to sell that car"?
"No, Do you even know what it is?"
But a few that just want to talk DO know what it is.
Or think it's a Duster.

Most that ask to buy probably just know they are cool, nice old cars.
It's the area I live.
So, it's sort of apples and oranges.

That being said, if he was a "nice guy" you should have tested his intentions and knowledge.
1. Tell him "I won't be insulted or mad, but make me an offer". See if he will go there.
2. Give him a goofy figure. See his reaction.


Well-Known Member
Aug 4, 2016
Reaction score
Lake Wales Fl.
Just to say one guy while I was in O Raleys auto parts store kept coming at me with different price to buy the car. He stopped at 60 thou. Yes, the guy at the greet and meet was a great guy and liked listening to his story of owning a runner. To say he saw one go by his house and thought to himself was that a runner. So, he took a drive down the road and saw it parked out front of a house. Stopped and a young man came out and he asked if in the trunk area was it painted yellow. He had done that when he owned the car. That was in the drop down are. So, he knew it use to be his car. Of course, the car was not for sale. It was good to talk with another former runner owner. We just don't see that many of these cars around anymore.