It's all about increase in demand. No plants shut down or burnt down, they've been open and working. The issue is 2-Million more shooters and then people hoarding Ammo. They will catch up and demand will drop. They didn't anticipate the new demand. I was over at my local gunsmith last week, there were six guys in the shop and about another seven or eight waiting to get in. He was shaking his head by the time I got in to see him. The guy in front of me had a live round wedged in the chamber, WTF. I didn't bother to ask, I just said stay the F#&* over there. You are starting to see more on the shelves, at least I am. The last gun show I went to, ammo everywhere, but you were getting raped by prices. I don't load anymore, but my buddies who do tell me primers are the main issue. There is a lot of powder, not always what you want, but there are options.