This is copied from Moparts and written by Ed Bruzinski, (not sure of spelling) who is the Carlisle's Chrysler show coordinator. He posted this on 5-8-20.
Perhaps I should make a standalone Carlisle post on here, but for now, I'll address this one. Below is a copy and paste of what I posted on my PERSONAL Facebook. It's a little out of date because since then the Ford show was rescheduled to the end of July but the point of the post is still valid. Please read it and PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE don't spread rumors or listen to them. To get the most current info, go to or any of our event Facebook pages!!
Without further ado:
The Carlisle Chrysler Nationals is NOT cancelled!! I was alerted tonight that there is another rumor going around and I want to clear things up. Here are some FACTS:
Nobody knows what is going to happen with this virus. As an event promoter, we are expected to predict the future. We can't! But we at least have to have a solid plan and be ready to change. We have already changed some shows. If you look at those changes, you'll see that we are changing them in the order in which they occur. Spring Carlisle got moved and so did our Import show. Those were the first 2 shows on our original schedule. Ford is next, scheduled for June 5-7, then it's our rescheduled Spring, then Chevy and THEN Chrysler. If Ford, Spring and Chevy aren't canceled (which they are NOT), why would we jump to Chrysler and cancel it, or even move it, at this point if we haven't moved the 3 shows before it??
Can the above change? Sure! And IF it does, here is the process and timeline: If we feel that we won't be able to have a show safely or the governor isn't allowing events on the date of an event and we have no choice but to reschedule, we look for alternate available dates. Once we find the best available date and we're SURE we need to reschedule, we get the team together to plan our official announcement. We pick the date and EXACT time that the announcement will be made via Facebook, our website and emails to that show's database. So far when we've done this, it all occurs in about 1-2 days.
For the best and most current information, just go to our website ( or the show's Facebook page. Whatever you see there is current! If you hear a rumor that one of our shows is canceled or rescheduled, don't call or message us (or me), just check either of the above sources.
I hope this helps and I'm planning to see everyone July 10-12