Got the newest sending unit and RTE Limiter. Testing out of the car w/jumper wire from sending unit wire to where wire hooks up to SU and ground from battery to SU. and new limiter installed, The gauge would not move, bent the float full stop out of the way, bent the float arm and gauge would register 3/4 full and drop to below E when I would move the float from full to 3/4. Thought maybe, the needles on my gauges might be dragging so I removed the dash cluster, took it apart and made sure the needles weren't dragging. adjusted the needles slightly
(if you haven't messed with the needles they are very, very delicate) So now when i have the SU float set to full, the gauge reads full, but when I move the float to 3/4 the tank shows below empty.
It's nice to know when the tanks full but would like to know when I might be close to running out of gas.