Actually I was thinking last night about that housing. I think I may be able to replace the tubes in it. I would have to mock it up in the mill and cut it back to the banjo. Then press new tubes into the hole I created and weld it. I dont when I will have time to do it since I will have to use my friends mill. But its worth a shot. What do you think?[/quote]
I have a nice straight one all gutted and waiting for delivery behind the garage. I might go to Spring fling and drop it off ?[/quote]
Quit messin' around with that Valiant and get back on the '70 Runner that you and Stuie just bought... :toetap:

Stuie who :huh:[/quote] :toetap: :toetap: :toetap:[/quote]
don't ya just feel the love Stuie!?!?!?!?