Confererate, don't get overwhelmed with your car. if I ever get another scanner, I'll post the pics of my car that was in my fire. I traded a buddy a 383&727 for a bare shell with new 1/4 skins. any part that was there, was garbage. someone was well on the way to hacking it up for a halfa**ed race car. the doors,front clip,decklid were junk. the floors were patched,not very well. some brain surgern hacked out the trunk floor, and replaced it with a rusted piece of sheetmetal.
MIA was the engine,4 speed,windshield,gas tank,back bumper,all weather stipping,radiator, heater, and all related parts(linkages,nuts,bolts,etc) the interior was shredded. One thing that helped was having some of the parts from parting out a few '68-'70 Chargers. about 4 years of scrounging the Nats,MCG,e bay, and some trading got all the needed parts. I had a '68 Charger that I kept the 440,4 speed, and misc pieces from. it took me almost 5 years just to get it to move out of the garage, not yet drivable. I primered my multi colored car, and drove it to the Nats in '06. I had the time of my life just driving it there. When the fire took it, all it needed was the floors,headliner and paint.
It can overwhelm you when you look at the long list of what your car needs. Just tkae it one thing at a time. While your waiting on the engine,take care of the brakes. Master cylinder,wheel cylinders,lines. The master is a PIA if there not power. Nuther reason to pull the dash. Advance,Auto Zone,etc. have lifetime warrienty on the cylinders, and good prices. May be import parts, some aren't. I've had good luck with them.
Basically, just one thing at a time, and just keep at it. It's all worth it on the first ride.