Well-Known Member

I haven't had the dome light assembly apart since the new headliner went in, and wanted to find out why I couldn't seem to remove the #1004 bulb from the socket. No simple twist to the left and pull with this socket, it was well and truly wedged on one side. :brickwall:
I picked up an aftermarket dome/map light socket that would do the job, but it does not have the retainer clip that the original incorporated to hold the socket in place, in the lamp housing. Comparing the new socket to what I have in the car I also noticed that the OE socket has the disc below the springs and that it doesn't seem to compress the brass contacts and springs evenly when the bulb is inserted. The jobber version has a plastic disc situated on top of the contacts and springs, and its action is smooth whether inserting a bulb or releasing one.
Has anyone fixed this kind of socket trouble? Here is another picture of what I'm working on: