Funny thing I'm a Tigers fan,( I know) but about 18 years ago when they first rumbled about tearing down Tiger Stadium I thought a road trip to catch a game was in order.The wife and kids packed in the ole Plymouth Acclaim we drove through Ontario and crossed over the river into Detroit,now I hadn't been since I was a kid but I was sure we had to turn left to go up Michigan Ave. but the wife was navigating and insisted it was right,well I went on her say so,BIG MISTAKE! We go into a section of town that looked just like the pictures I've seen of Berlin after WWII,basically burned out shells.Well I had two small kids in the car I wasn't heeled,so I did a illegal U turn,( got screamed at by a bus driver for that one) and beat it out of there.Later in Dearborn at the motel I asked about that section of town,turns out that is were the riots were in 67,now this is 93 and it still hadn't been rebuilt.Sad to see the city were Alfred Sloan,Henry Ford and Walter P Chrysler built the US auto industry in that state. :facepalm: