Well-Known Member
I took the Barracuda to a show today and it ran well as usual. On the way home I was looking for a spot to clean out the secondaries. As it turned out I chose the right spot. So I opened them up for a good cleaning and when I took the foot out of it, the engine kept speeding up!
I couldn't pull the pedal up with my foot. WTF!!!! The piece of road I chose had a small rest area on it so as I came up to it I popped it out of drive, shut it off, and got it stopped. I pop the hood and check the linkage on the left side, saw that there was slack in the cable from the pedal and couldn't find anything that would keep it from returning to close. I check the right side and find that one of the plug wires had slipped down between the primary and secondary shoes, I thing that's the right term. I pull the wire out and tuck it away, problem fixed. It did make me think fast when it happened and it turned out OK. On my vacation a few weeks ago I had removed everything I could except the engine, so I could clean and repaint the engine compartment and all the components in there. You check and recheck everything and think everything is OK. It's funny how overlooking something so simple could potentially get you in big trouble!