8 3/4 axle endplay non-existent after axle install

Barry L

Sep 23, 2019
Reaction score
8 3/4 axle with Suregrip has no endplay after installing axles:

Had the diff rebuilt by Clarks Customs. Installed per the manual. I installed new inner axle seals along with new outer seals in the retainer plates along with new tapered roller wheel bearings on the original axles. Verified thrust button was in place. Installed the LH axle first and then the RH side per the FSM. The correct beaded metal gasket is installed between the axle housing and the brake housing and new foam gasket is installed between the brake housing and axle retainer plate. When installing the axles I lighty tapped the axle end to start the bearing into the axle housing bore and then drew it into place using the nuts to secure the retainer plate. Torqued to 32 ft lbs per the FSM. The adjuster on the RH axle was flush with the inside of the retainer plate.

I would assume that there would be an excessive amount of endplay initially but currently there is NO endplay at all. I backed off the adjuster almost the whole way out and still no endplay. Stumped on this one
as to why I can't get any endplay.

Rapid Transit

Just A Traveler In Time
Feb 9, 2015
Reaction score
My head hurts trying to noodle this out.
But my advice is to find what's "wrong".
I'm suspecting something in the rebuilt diff.
Maybe the thrust button?
I've never had this problem. (Which isn't saying a lot.)
The axles need the clearance to expand when hot.
It seems like trying to use green bearings to cover a problem would be counter productive at best.
Not to mention a waste of good tapered bearings.