Car look's sharp. Like all the army equipment. How dose that work. Working on the big bad war machines to working on mussel car's. Good luck and let's see more pic's.
Its a 70, this was a good solid body, I,ve had it for years, I got in a new trunk lid today, it had a couple of dents, dam, I got about everything bought that I need to finish it. I redone everything new so hope it will all work.I had a lot of mopars in the past. fun fun
Well, its been setting in the garage about a years, so it time to start back working on it. This is why I got on the roadrunner and the challenger site. You folks are help me too get motivated again.I get to see all these great looking mopars and your all motivated too. Thanks
I got 3 of these ww2, m4 high speed tractors, They help save americans azz during ww2. The tractors pull the large cannons. I hope to resto one out of three. I am still working on mopars too. Man can not live on bread only. We need mopars, guns, you name it,
thanks everyone, Well, 6pkrtse. I did live in westland Mi. back then, I drove a 70 cuda with a 440 and 671 blower sticking out of the hood. also had a 70 roadrunner. Where do you live in motor city or Motown.
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