Well-Known Member
It's been about 5 months since I posted a body panel replacement.I took this car apart two years ago, so I stress to all doing this take hordes of pics, always needing them, after hours of work we had a mock up done as u can see from the pics, what you can't see is that tail lamp boxes are screwed to the outside of tailpanel, when they should be on the inside. Tomorrow is another day lol
I edited this to show this morning we got it together, just needed to put in hinges and weld in lower quarters,
It's been about 5 months since I posted a body panel replacement.I took this car apart two years ago, so I stress to all doing this take hordes of pics, always needing them, after hours of work we had a mock up done as u can see from the pics, what you can't see is that tail lamp boxes are screwed to the outside of tailpanel, when they should be on the inside. Tomorrow is another day lol
I edited this to show this morning we got it together, just needed to put in hinges and weld in lower quarters,
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