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  1. M

    Some input please

    What rocker arms are you using? If aftermarket you may have clearance issues with the inner baffles on the stock valve covers. You might need to remove/modify the baffles.
  2. M

    Lost my little Buddy today...

    Thanks guys. Jerry, my heart goes out to you. Buddy went through a long decline and even though I thought I was ready for his departure I sure wasn't. Just make sure to spend as much time with Dusty as you can and have a lot of patience with him. I wish I had been better to Buddy at the end and...
  3. M

    Lost my little Buddy today...

    My little boy lost his battle for life today at around 4:30 PM. We had to let him go on to eternity. It was one of the hardest decisions I've had to make in awhile. He was suffering from collapsing bronchii which made it extremely difficult for him to breathe. We did all we could. My kitchen...
  4. M

    Daily Telegraph muscle car quiz

    70% here. Did not know Pontiac used a "Super Turbine" trans. Was thinking of Chevy's Super Turbo trans.
  5. M

    Title History Information 69 RR

    Either that or hire a private investigator. If the car has ever been out of state it will be harder to track down the info.
  6. M

    Had a bit of a scare while driving the bird

    Strange I've never seen you around. I am in the Conway area of South Orlando about 5-6 miles north of the airport up SR 436...
  7. M

    A little something I just ordered (not car related)

    I play online sometimes on a site called I prefer to play in person but sometimes can't. Started a chess fellowship/club at church and so far we have had 8 meetings. We meet every other Monday night. So far we have 6-8 players and all are relative beginners. It has been fun...
  8. M

    A little something I just ordered (not car related)

    Nice table. It's not as easy as it seems to make a checker or chess board. Getting all the individual pieces to lay flat can be quite challenging. Nice job!
  9. M

    Owens Family Restoration

    Looks good Floyd. I vote for the Q5. My dad's runner, which eventually became mine, was Q5. Loved it then and still do.
  10. M

    A little something I just ordered (not car related)

    Just got the companion set to the first one (pic above of the first one). Been watching it for awhile and since I had a little extra "green" I decided to go for it. You can see it here: This one comes with a board that is also a case with...
  11. M

    Another Wheel and Tire Thread...

    275/60R-15 on the rear on 8" wide wheels and 235/70R-15 up front on 7" wheels. Both sizes are the same height. This is my current setup with BFG's and Magnum 500's with Chrysler center caps. When it comes time for new tires I'm going 235/70R-15's all around so I can at least rotate them. They'll...
  12. M

    Doctors vs. Gun Owners

    Subject: Doctors vs. Gun Owners (A) The number of physicians in the U.S. is 700,000. (B) The number of accidental deaths caused by Physicians per year is 120,000. (C) Accidental deaths per physician is 0.171. Statistics courtesy of U.S. Dept of Health and Human Services...
  13. M

    Will not turn over with the key in the start position

    Sweet! Glad it seems to be an easy fix. Let's hope it keeps on working!
  14. M

    Will not turn over with the key in the start position

    Yup. And you may want to remove the starter relay and check to see if there is any rust on the firewall behind where the relay sits. The starter relay on mine is self-grounded - in other words it does not require a ground wire from the relay to a ground point. If there is any rust on the...
  15. M

    Steering seems to float

    I've has both manual and power steering in the 2 RR's I have owned. I much prefer the power steering with a good alignment and good tires.
  16. M

    Steering seems to float

    You can adjust the feel of the steering by loosening the locknut on the top of the box and using a large, flat blade screwdriver to turn the slotted stud clockwise IIRC. It will never be as "tight" as you would like - those old recirculating ball steering boxes were notorious for their...
  17. M

    15 inch steel wheels?

    Stock offset is 4.5" IIRC. You don't want to use 0" offset.
  18. M

    Carb question??

    That Holley will be just fine for a stock 383. The original AVS was rated around 600 cfm but was actually smaller from some accounts I've read. The 383 really was under carbed a bit. The old trick used to be to get an AVS from a 440 and plop it down in place of the original for more cfm.
  19. M

    Deck lid strips ?

    I have seen them on a 69 road runner - unfortunately. The problem is they aren't long enough and tend to look dorky as a result. On a '67 Vette - yeah - sidepipes look hot - but not on a 68-70 B-body Mopar :cents:
  20. M

    MOPARS with Big Daddy Don Garlits

    121 cars Sat. with all the rain. Not a great turn out. I don't know how many were there Sunday but there were more than on Sat. I believe. I judged 3 classes Sunday - 62-67 B-Body Stock and Modified and 68-70 B-Body Stock. Let me tell you - the 68-70 class was UNREAL! The green '70 Charger in...