Recent content by dodgey68

  1. dodgey68

    The Greek Roadrunner is finally here!

    wow cool. nice car , and a manual, itll be a fun resto, :thumbsup:
  2. dodgey68

    Getting aussie roadrunner ready for road

    Young bloke wanted to take a few pics
  3. dodgey68

    69 hood question

    how can i tell if this is or was a airgrabber hood, can i fit an air grabber ,, and what is the difference from a standard roadrunner hood and a airgrabber hood thank you ,
  4. dodgey68

    Getting aussie roadrunner ready for road

    She's registered on Ive been driving the shit outta it.
  5. dodgey68

    Leaf spring question

    Why are yhey different from left side to right with that little short leaf.. Thank you
  6. dodgey68

    Getting aussie roadrunner ready for road

    and another shot
  7. dodgey68

    Getting aussie roadrunner ready for road

    this is the roadrunner with maroon stripes before it came to Australia, it was vinyl wrapped over the maroon
  8. dodgey68

    Back and way better

    wow nice looking bird, may i ask what or where did you get that front spoiler, that sets the front off, :thumbsup:
  9. dodgey68

    First pass with new driveline

    very nice tuff looking bird
  10. dodgey68

    Wiring harness

    oh ,, nice,,:thumbsup2: i have a birds nest of shit wiring going on in my car, pondering either new engine bay harness ,, the old owner used the power off the horn to run the msd ignition ,,,, wtf
  11. dodgey68

    Bulk head wiring

    Can i please get a few snaps of factory . Wore plugs.. As this harness has neen spliced into. And a pic will tell me what is going on
  12. dodgey68

    a roadruner in a move f.t.w

    i dunno if this has been posted, but enjoy
  13. dodgey68

    dash cluster stuck on 50mph

    clock spring was broken,, i tweeked the spring and moved the spring locator to make neelde sit on 0, was a fliddly job but simple,
  14. dodgey68

    dash cluster stuck on 50mph

    Fixed it myself
  15. dodgey68

    dash cluster stuck on 50mph

    im in australia, i found a bloke who can fix it, but itll be a few weeks as the blokes not well, ill keep ya posted