Recent content by Danomt

  1. Danomt

    Garlits Best in Show

    Good Job :thumbsup2:
  2. Danomt

    Hello from Michigan

    Welcome, Nice car
  3. Danomt

    Overdrive on a 727?

    Where do you find a 518 that will bolt up to a big block....?
  4. Danomt

    I need a new steering gearbox for my '72 RR.

    We have installed a few Borgeson 14 t0 1 ratio steeering boxes and love them. tight, faster steering and smaller in size making more room for exhaust etc. Part number 800126. Can get from Summit, Jegs, and Amazon. Also put some on older c10 GM's
  5. Danomt

    A little low and to the left?

    In a hurry?? Isn't this a long term job,, whats the hurry now?
  6. Danomt

    new member

    Welcome from Montana :welcome::moparsmiley: Just curious, where are you located..
  7. Danomt

    Here we go again

    Welcome from Montana. :welcome::moparsmiley:
  8. Danomt

    New from Tx

    Welcome from Montana. Nice Runner :welcome: :moparsmiley:
  9. Danomt

    Hello everyone, been lurking.

    Welcome from Montana,,:welcome::moparsmiley:
  10. Danomt

    Hello from Vancouver Island, British Columbia, Canada!

    Welcome from Montana. Very nice looking car! :welcome: :moparsmiley:
  11. Danomt

    Meep-Meep from Germany

    Welcome from Montana USA.. Neat story :welcome::moparsmiley:
  12. Danomt

    Another Buckeye MoPar Fan

    Welcome from Montana :welcome::moparsmiley:
  13. Danomt

    New to Group ! Never knew it existed

    Welcome from Montana :welcome::moparsmiley: