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Nice headers Terry, these are the ones I will be buying when our dollar improves. At the moment our dollar is only worth 60 US cents so it won't be any time soon.
Do you have a show case set up of the car? Would love to see what you have also. Any bird is better than now bird at all. LOL. Catch ya later. Russ.
Hey Mike, haven't heard from you in a while. I hope you are doing well. Have you been working on the RR?
Yup every little bit helps. The more you dig the more rust you'll find. Sometimes I think it would be better to stop looking :lol: If the rust isn't too bad, I'd wire brush it and paint it with POR 15. My floor pan is too far gone, I can poke a screw driver through both sides. Are you going to Carlisle?
I finally found a good person to work on my Roadrunner metal his business name is Ron's Rods. And placed the driver pan and trunk pan fixed one of outer rocker panels. And he placed the outer wheel wells and almost done with the driver side quarter panel
Whatever gets your project done.
Thanks for having me in the group. I've been quietly lurking in the background, researching as much as I could. Now, I'm ready to start engaging. I even started with uploading a pic of my car as my avatar.
very nice just dont baby it big blocks can take it!:thumbsup2:
Sammy Buchanan
Sammy Buchanan
Nice Ride ...Yours is my favorite color...wish mine was red !!!
Hey I was wondering if I could get some help I have a 1968 Roadrunner and the car is just a shell .So im putting all new brake lines front to back ive looked every where and I cant find a diagram of where the blocks go and where to run the lines to make sure I have them in the right place any help would be appreciate d thanks
B bodies will all be pretty much the same. I'm not sure where you posted this. Try putting it in the appropriate group. I'm sure one of the guys with a 68 would be happy to help.
First thing is try to get a 68 plymouth manual and visit a lot of car shows take pictures research lots of mopar sites, this site is one the best!:thumbsup:
New to the forum just had the drivers side mirror re-plated now it is loose on the swivel ball. Any tips on getting it tightened up?
Welcome to the site. Just to say I was told to hold the mirror with a suction cup and heat it and the glue will let go. Then you can get too the screws. Then other's say to put super glue on it and set it where you want it. No easy fix so I think. My new ones turn when shutting the door. Just hope in time it will get tighter from being on the car. Good luck. Russ.
Thanks Russ I have the mirror out and there are no screws. The strap that goes across the mirror ball is held in place by what looks like potted rivets. Someone suggested roughing up the swivel ball but I was hoping for something less invasive. Thank you for your suggestion.
I have a question that I'm sure can be answered here. I put pictures of my numbers matching 69 on another group, and was told that the ducts were the wrong color for a 69. They are orange and was told that they should be black, and orange was on Dodge Super Bees and not on Road Runners. Well I bought a new 69 in 69. It also had orange duct. What do you guys think?
If you bought one new in '69 and the duct was orange then there not much to think about. Tell 'em they're wrong.
super chicken
super chicken
October 1968 Plymouth Traveler magazine page 8 shows a GTX with orange ducts . Only one I've ever seen
super chicken
super chicken
I can't seem to post a picture from here
Did you find a bell housing yet? I have one out of my brothers '69 R/R, 383 4spd. I probably have the transmission sitting in the garage somewhere. If interested or need the part number LMK, I'll dig it out and get it for you. Been going to do that anyways, too many parts taking up room. Need to liquidate.
I am in need of a correct bellhousing for my 69 RR build
It's missing, If it is still for sale, I might be interested in it And a 383 flywheel
383 6pack passion performance 4 speed .73 four 8.75 posi 3.55-AC/power door locks/cruise control/cut outs/halo head lights