A few have asked where I have been lately, seems i havent logged on much since the site has changed. I took over as the Muscular Dystrophy Rep for the firehouse, organized a few charity events and afill the boot fundraiser and so far have raised over $21,000. I also took on the job of Union Steward, and with that comes a lot of headaches and a lot of extra work, but in my mind you can either be someone who complains or someone who steps up and trys to make a difference. Been really busy with the road runner, although I feel like theres not a whole lot new to report. The car has been high build primed and wet blocked at 400 grit. So far the engine bay, trunk, trunk gutter, door openings and window openings are ready for paint. We want to paint the trunk and engine bay first and then start installing the interior and drivetrain. Been doing a lot of small jobs like soaking the door latch mechanisms in carb cleaner and getting them clean, scuffing the steel wheels for paint. I have to say that at this point I really friggin hate the trunk. I have been inside, upside down, busted knuckles, cuts and bruised by sanding that damn area. Every nook and cranny seems to have a sharp edge and is impossible to reach. Glad its done. Tommorrow I am going to be putting the seam sealer in the trunk and engine bay, and because of the new pans and body filler I am going to reproduce the factory spot weld look in the trunk. I also have to cut the body plug holes in the trunk pan. You guys all know all the work I have done on this car, but I dont want anyone else to be able to tell.
The trunk grooves (stampings?) had some type of factory sound deadner in them on the original floor, any ideas how to reproduce? Any ideas on what deadner to use on the inner quarters? I am also looking for pictures of the spot weld locations in the trunk, the spot weld locations on the top of the inner fenders in the engine bay, and what size and location of body plugs in the trunk floor. Getting closer and closer to paint, although i have said this mannnnyyyy times before....
The trunk grooves (stampings?) had some type of factory sound deadner in them on the original floor, any ideas how to reproduce? Any ideas on what deadner to use on the inner quarters? I am also looking for pictures of the spot weld locations in the trunk, the spot weld locations on the top of the inner fenders in the engine bay, and what size and location of body plugs in the trunk floor. Getting closer and closer to paint, although i have said this mannnnyyyy times before....