ACME A12 said:
[quote="Big John":fu8xenaz]I'm doing better... I had an appointment with the doc today anyway and she told me its a mono-virus and gave me a B-12 shot and directions to go home and sleep. At least its not swine flu.
BTW, she also told me I have cholesterol levels that other people would kill to have. :banana: :banana:
Glad to hear that you're doing better. This swine flu thing may get really ugly...
I would be one of those other people; my cholesterol tends to run a tad high so I have to take Lipitor... So much of the medical standards today seem to be driven by the pharmaceutical industry; every year they lower the acceptable levels on something so that more & more of us have some condition that must be treated. For years I was considered glucose intolerant - then they lowered the blood sugar standards again a couple of years ago. Suddenly I am a bonafide Type II Diabetic. Nothing changed with my body chemistry - just the standards. It's all just a big racket...which is probably why they just lowered the BP standards again if I had to guess...just not enough people on BP medicine...
My oldest son said to me once "there's no money in a cure" and I firmly believe that.
My bp would be great by the old standards 124/80.... but now its borderline. The bp meds can hurt you to if you're not careful..... they have a tendency to make you put on weight... This is right out of my Doc's mouth.