Fuel cell fuel pump set up


Well-Known Member
Jan 14, 2011
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I got my in cell fuel pump straightened out. I have an older cell that is about 17" deep; a 32 gallon cell. No one made an in cell pump that deep in the size I need to feed the monster, so after a few emails to Holley, the plan was on. I got the 12-147 dual pump, which only extends 12". Holley said I could get new "pump legs" made and gave me the specs. I took the "legs" off the setup, along with new 3/8" rod over to a retired machinists workshop. He made me new "legs" that are 5 inches longer. They work great. The next piece of the puzzle was finding longer flex fuel line. I found some on Summit, after 6 or 7 orders to get the correct lengths for two hoses (they had the wrong size hose in the correct box), I found out the the I.D. was 8mm and I need 10mm. Those will not work. After more internet searching and contacting fuel lines companies, I found Radium had the hoses in 12.8" lengths (longest I could find). Got a pair shipped to me without issues and low and behold (!), they are exactly the length I need. Fuel pump now ready to go into cell. Here is a few pics for you guys :)pumpleg2.jpg hoseDifference.jpg fuelpumpfinish.jpg


Well-Known Member
Jan 14, 2011
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Yes, I went with the biggest fuel cell I could get. I figured if I got 3-5 miles per gallon, I should still be able to have fun and not run out of fuel. Back then, they didn't make in cell pumps. The Holley 12-147 has dual 450 pumps, will deliver plenty of fuel, no worries there. Should support over 1000hp with F.I. on E85.

Like a lot of things with this car, I have to change stuff to work with what I have.