These are the filters that are used on A12s, Hemis, and N96-equipped cars. As most of you already know, Fram has discontinued them. Again. I've been following threads over on the LOH Playground (and even on the 'parts, which I SELDOM ever do...) and there is a grass roots movement afoot to encourage Fram to make another production run of these filters. Take a few minutes if you can and call Fram to ask them to reintroduce these filters. I have already called them and given them my name and number. The car isn't going anywhere so I know that I will continue to need these filters...and some of you will too.
Call 800-890-2075. Select #2, and then #2 again to get to the correct department. Let's make it happen!
Call 800-890-2075. Select #2, and then #2 again to get to the correct department. Let's make it happen!